Monday, September 15, 2008

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is this 4,000 acre park that sits across the street from my home in New York.  Growing up, i spent almost all my time in that park with Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, running with my cross country team, and even my senior class in high school entitled "Wilderness".  The park has had a huge impact on my life from being a place that i explored to a piece of nature that i went in to when i wanted to be alone and had a lot on my mind.  I returned back to the park this summer for the first time since my high school days, when i hit the trails the first thing i noticed was the smell o the air, it was damp, it smelt like damp earth.  That smell was the smell of my childhood and my adolescence.  Nature is an endless story, even when you are apart from it for years or even decades it always picks up from right when you let off.

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