Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Amy, Aaron, Alexis, and Becky

How does Dillard's view of Nature relate to the perception of our own individual places in nature?

1 comment:

Becky Bassick said...

Dillard and I view nature in like fashion. She is a curious and patient observer, on a pilgrimage to higher understanding of the world that surrounds us. She sees nature as it is, without shock or frills. She simply perceives.
Venturing out into Moccasin Lake Nature Park, I have encountered similar feelings. Standing in the field behind the classroom, just watching as a female gopher tortoise digs her burrow, I was fascinated. I could see the brown dirt caking her large claws, the scales on her legs, and indentations on her shell, probably from disease. She was beautiful. I have had so many profound, quiet moments, almost out of body experiences, where my mind shuts down, and all I can do is be absorbed by nature.
I suppose my place is markedly different for me than Tinker Creek is for Dillard, however. In between those floating, observational experiences of mine, my excursions to the park are brimming with emotion and memories. I have done so much growing up in my years of volunteering, working, and enjoying that park. It's hard to see it without a fierce bias on my part. I like to think my bias makes it all the more amazing and wonderful to explore.