Monday, September 15, 2008

My Place

My place - although not a place prominent in my childhood, is a place that has the power to change, alter and expand your views, thoughts and beliefs on any subject.  The history that has occurred throughout my place is so vast that you cannot help but wonder the people who were there before you or what is lurking nearby. My place stretches from Maine to Georgia, and although I have only hiked about 50 miles of the trail in North Carolina, I can truly say that the Appalachian Trail is my place. It’s a place where working hard truly pays off when you reach the top; a place where pushing your body’s limit is unbelievably worth it when you see nothing but trees for miles– that’s my place. I first felt a connection with the Appalachian Trail when I was in middle school and a part of a group called Comprehensive Outdoor Education Program (C.O.E.P.). We took a 10 day trip to North Carolina and for 5 of those days, we hiked, backpacked and camped all along the trail. Passing fellow hikers (literally of ALL ages), being completely engulfed by nature day and night, and worrying about what to eat for dinner that will not draw unwanted animals is what my place is all about. The wildlife, the people, and also the stories that come along with my place are what make it important. 

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